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    National Engineering Laboratory for Digital and Material Technology of Stomatology

    The National Engineering Laboratory for Digital and Material Technology of Stomatology is the first national engineering laboratory in medical science in China, which was approved to set up by NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission) in 2011 based on Peking University School of Stomatology. The construction background is the Research Center of Engineering and Technology for Computerized Dentistry (founded in 1997) approved by the Ministry of Health, China. The team has researched in the field of digital dentistry for over 20 years.

    There are six platforms included in the lab:

    1. Platform for Multi-source 3D Data Technology

    2. Platform for Computer Aided Diagnosis and Design

    3. Platform for Digital Manufacturing Technology

    4. Platform for Navigation and Robot Aided Surgery Technology

    5. Platform for evalsuation and Clinical Verification of Technologies and Materials

    6. Platform for R&D New Materials

    Laboratory has R&D China's first fully independent intellectual property rights of denture CAD/CAM system, dental model 3D scanner and dental model 3D printing system. The lab is also equipped with high level international equipment, such as 3 shape (Denmark), Smart Optics (Germany) and Dental Wings (Canada) 3D dental model scanner, Faro Scan Arm (USA), 3D Face Scanner (Germany), 3D Laser Scan Microscope(Japan), Wieland T1 CAD/CAM System(Germany), Concept Laser metal powder sintering system (Germany), Evision Tec 3D Rapid Prototype Printer (Germany), Projet 3D Wax printer (USA) and so on.

    last text: National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases

    next text: National Center for Quality Control in Stomatology